Encuentra compradores y sus emails en la base de datos B2B más grande
Accede a la base de datos B2B de IA de lemlist con +450 millones
de contactos y a llega leads altamente relevantes con solo un clic.
Regístrate gratis
No 3rd party tools needed
Each lead is verified in lemlist, so you can directly connect with key decision-makers
and save time by eliminating manual tasks, complex setups, or incorrect contacts.
Filtros avanzados para encontrar
a tu cliente ideal
Filtra tu búsqueda por criterios específicos, como la tecnología, el tamaño de la empresa, el sector o la ubicación, para contactar con leads que encajen con tu comprador ideal.
Conecta con tus clientes con un solo clic
Descubre direcciones de correo electrónico válidas para cualquier contacto directamente en lemlist y amplía tu alcance sin la necesidad de un equipo de operaciones completo.
Contacta y cierra más acuerdos
¿Encontraste tu cliente ideal?
Genera secuencias multicanal con altas tasas de conversión con IA y acelera tu proceso de ventas como nunca antes.
Genera secuencias multicanal con altas tasas de conversión con IA y acelera tu proceso de ventas como nunca antes.
Esta bse de datos esSanjay Sinha
Founder at Vector
Henry Vaaderpass
No puedo decir que sea un experto en bases de datos de clientes potenciales, pero me consiguió una buena cantidad de nuevos contactos para la campaña que lancé.
John Moura
I think it is a perfect match to what lemlist currently does, and I loved the possibility of simplifying the lead generation process.
Alex Williams
Me gusta mucho. Actualmente compro datos de un proveedor, por lo que me ahorrará mucho tiempo y dinero.
Tom Vandervort
Hi! I love the ease of selection in the UI (filters). That’s great and I think the best I’ve seen for this type of tool
Kate Kurnevych
Having all in one is a winning solution. I was using 2 competitors to parce leads with a manual approach on LinkedIn. You have optimized my work.
Henry Vaaderpass
I can’t say I’m an expert of lead databases but it did get me a good amount of new contacts for the campaign I launched
John Moura
I think it is a perfect match to what lemlist currently does, and I loved the possibility of simplifying the lead generation process.
Alex Williams
I really like it. I currently buy data from a provider so this will save me a load of time and money.
Tom Vandervort
Hi! I love the ease of selection in the UI (filters). That’s great and I think the best I’ve seen for this type of tool
Kate Kurnevych
Having all in one is a winning solution. I was using 2 competitors to parce leads with a manual approach on LinkedIn. You have optimized my work.
Antonio Romero
Me gusta mucho y ya tengo 3 reuniones reservadas de la lista. Cancelé mi otro software de extracción de leads y ahora lo uso todo lo que puedo.
Sanjay Sinha
So I think adding the database on the whole is a game changer and I'm really glad it's there.
Julien Perrière
The Leads feature works great, fantastic job on this one, I'm especially impressed with the speed at which 10s of thousands of results are loading (i.e. in an instant)
Sahitya Parvathaneni
This feature is a nice addition to what lemlist can do, enabling us to source leads and run campaigns all within the same platform.
Joseph Barnard
Grandes funciones, ¡buen trabajo!
Antonio Romero
I like it a lot and already got 3 booked meetings from the list. I canceled my other lead scraping software and now using this as much as I can.
Sanjay Sinha
So I think adding the database on the whole is a game changer and I'm really glad it's there.
Julien Perrière
The Leads feature works great, fantastic job on this one, I'm especially impressed with the speed at which 10s of thousands of results are loading (i.e. in an instant)
Sahitya Parvathaneni
This feature is a nice addition to what lemlist can do, enabling us to source leads and run campaigns all within the same platform.
Joseph Barnard
Seems to work well! From what I can tell it's basically LinkedIn Sales Navigator but means I don't need to pay for Sales Nav so I'm happy!