AppSumo is a platform that provides the best deals on software and tools that help entrepreneurs, consultants, and startups to grow their businesses.

Founded in 2010, AppSumo counts more than 800,000 users today.

One year ago, they launched Briefcase, a monthly subscription to the best tools you can use to grow your business.

The Challenge:

With any kind of new business, you first need to learn about your customers before you can optimize their experience and design your product to align with that.

Before using lemlist, the Briefcase team was manually sending emails to customers who didn’t end up subscribing to Briefcase.

The response rates were low and it required a lot of manual work. This was obviously not a scalable process and they needed a new solution.

How does AppSumo use lemlist?

“If a customer comes to Briefcase and ends up canceling their subscription to Briefcase for whatever reason – I send out 3 emails spaced at a week apart where I’m asking what went wrong, what issues they’ve run into, and how we can win them back in the future. Those emails are actually getting really great response rate” – Chris Schelzi – Director of Briefcase @Appsumo

What tips can Appsumo give to the lemlist community when it comes to sending emails?

“They are other members within Briefcase who I’ve pointed them in the direction towards lemlist and they’ve been using it for their businesses! One of them is a company called [Charity Charge]( They’re a credit card that has 1% cash back  that donates that cash to the charity of your choice. With Lemlist, they’ve been able to build links, get social media shares, and build relationships that will help their business grow. It amazing to see a tool that actually gives users a tangible ROI that benefits their business, not just another cool tool that doesn’t have a measurable impact.”

Charity Charge’s Campaign Results:

  • 66% Open rate
  • 11% Clicked Rate
  • 14% Replied Rate

“A lot of the people who’ve answered agreed to share on social media or write blog posts about it” – Chris Schelzi – Director of Briefcase @Appsumo

Listen to what Chris Schelzi – Director of Briefcase @ – says about lemlist

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