
How to find LinkedIn leads in bulk & for free


To get customers through cold outreach, you need to know when your target will most likely reply to you and buy your product or service.

But what signals that it's the right time to reach out to your leads to get replies? 🤔

Here are 3 sales targeting tactics you can use to get more conversions in your next campaigns:

→ target people who attended an event about the problem you solve

When someone attends an event, it’s likely because they have a pain point to solve.

If your product/service can help them, targeting those prospects increases your conversion chances ⬇️

  1. Go to LinkedIn events and search for an event about the pain point you’re solving
  2. Scrape all event attendees with Phantombuster scraper
  3. Enrich their profiles with their emails thanks to Datagma
  4. Validate your prospects' email addresses with Bouncer
  5. Launch your multichannel outreach campaign with lemlist

→ target people who use a tool that integrates with your product

Tool integrations are important for decision-makers as they help them save time and money.

So, if your tool allows integration with other valuable products, you can target their users and help them boost their productivity ⬇️

  1. Identify which companies use a specific tool with BuiltWith
  2. Get the LinkedIn information of those companies with Phantombuster scraper
  3. Find the emails of your prospects with dropcontact
  4. Validate their email addresses with Zero Bounce
  5. Reach out to your prospects on multiple channels with lemlist

→ target people from companies that are hiring

Keep an eye on your ICP company's structural changes, as their growth can indicate a need for new tools ⬇️

  1. Identify job offers published by specific companies with Asgard
  2. Validate your prospects' emails with Zero Bounce
  3. Launch your cold outreach campaign with lemlist

To get more sales targeting tactics, check out the ultimate 4-step framework ⬇️

In only 45 mins, you’ll get everything you need to find qualified leads, reach out at the right time, and get up to 30% reply rates. For free!

Cold emails are a common and legitimate way to grow a business.

However, there are some regulations and best practices that you need to follow to ensure you aren't breaking any laws or damaging your reputation!

Here are the top 5 tips that will help you stay compliant with anti-spam laws & ethical practices 💪

[  ] include an opt-out option in your emails

[  ] provide accurate and clear sender information

[  ] get consent before sending marketing emails

[  ] don't send emails with deceptive or false information

[  ] personalize your emails and always add the value

To build a strong sender reputation by following best legal practices, you can check out 5 ways to boost your email sender reputation & avoid spam ⬇️

Reaching out to qualified leads and turning them into customers can be a struggle 🥵

→ Who should you target?

→ How do you find your leads' LinkedIn profiles?

→ How do you find your leads' emails?

→ How to ensure your emails don't land in spam?

These frictions make people give up on cold outreach and miss opening new business opportunities..

To make your process 100x easier - we created lemstack!

It's the only tool stack you need to boost your outreach efficiency daily and triple your success 🚀

The first tool, LinkedIn profile finder, is already live, and it’s the fastest way to find your LinkedIn leads in bulk. For free!

PS: This is just the beginning. The next 3 tools are already on the way, so stay tuned!


Take care,

G and the team

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