How Secret boosted productivity in sales by 3x with lemlist’s advanced conditions

Khushi Mehta, Partnerships Manager at Secret, used lemlist to automate her outreach based on each lead action and book 100% more meetings.

More meetings booked
Sales growth
Increased productivity

Meet Secret, a marketplace that helps companies save money on best tools is a marketplace offering deals for the best software to all businesses globally.

It provides 300+ SaaS deals - offering up to hundreds of thousands in savings - for tools like Notion, Airtable, Stripe, AWS, and more!

For example, on Secret, you can get 50% off the lemcal annual subscription, saving you up to $239. It's a tool that helps startups to manage their meeting schedules, set reminders, and keep track of important deadlines.

We’ve helped 100,000+ startups, SMBs, agencies, and freelancers around the globe grow more and spend less. - Khushi Mehta, Partnerships Manager at Secret

So, how did they boost their sales by 70% and find new SaaS partners to join their offers? How did they catch the attention of early-stage entrepreneurs in mailboxes full of competitors and other generic messages?

How to personalize your outreach at scale in a human way

Khushi knew that the key to outreach success was approaching each lead in a hyper-personal way based on their interactions with her campaigns.

It’s more effective to send timely follow-ups to those who haven’t answered, making reply rates much higher.

Before lemlist, she would have to manually check whether her lead responded to her email to know whether to add them to LinkedIn. Then, manually check whether they accepted her invitation to send them a message.

This multichannel process is often very time-consuming as it requires many manual checks, 3rd party tools, or technical skills.

It was time-consuming to personalize emails one by one.

Thanks to the recommendation of current lemlist users, Khushi found out about the lemlist all-in-one outreach tool and its multichannel advanced conditions.

In 2024, using advanced conditions in outreach sequences stands out as the best approach for automating outreach on a large scale while maintaining a genuine human touch.

Creating campaigns based on leads’ actions

The pricing, sub-product availability, and innovation rate in the product’s development are impressive.

Without a doubt, Khushi started creating lemlist’s hyper-personalized multichannel sequences.

She could have chosen different channels that would be automatically synced across the same outreach campaign.

Because she would be connecting with her leads on the channels they prefer and based on their availability, she would show her willingness to go the extra mile and generate positive replies more easily.

Besides email follow-up, now she could automate LinkedIn steps that are usually performed manually in the native LinkedIn app:

  • LinkedIn profile visits; to increase the chances of prospects accepting her connection request
  • LinkedIn invites; to expose her personal brand and get in touch more easily
  • LinkedIn messages; to remind them of her message and stay on the top of their mind

Aside from messages, lemlist users can add cold call steps, reminders to perform manual tasks (such as commenting on LinkedIn posts), or connect API to set up their unique processes.

From her campaigns, she could add Advanced conditions - steps that will automatically change your campaign flow based on specific criteria you provide.

By adding triggers such as “lead clicked on a link”, lemlist users can automate the next step based on whether the criteria were met.

For example, if a lead clicks on a link, Khushi will automatically send them an email related to the linked content. If not - she can send an email that pushes clicking on the link or whatever content she provides.

What I love about lemlist the most is the ability to have omnichannel, detailed sequences with several conditions to reach out to people. It’s so accurate that it saved me hours and hours of manual work!

Advanced conditions that are automatically adjusted to each lead’s activities stimulate human-like steps to:

  • Avoid repetitive & nonvaluable tasks like manually checking whether a lead has accepted a LinkedIn invitation
  • Unlock complex outbound scenarios used by the world's best growth teams without switching between 3rd party apps
  • Send multi-channel campaigns on autopilot and connect with prospects faster than ever before!

P.S. To take her personalized approach to the next level, she used lemlist’s custom variables. Once she decided on her leads’ preferred channel, she personalized her emails with lemlist’s custom variables. These placeholders allowed her to make her messages more relevant at scale by adding their details in copies, custom images, and personalized video thumbnails.

I can add icebreakers, the position of the person, and their name/ last name, making the email more personal to an individual.

Hyper-personalized outreach at scale

lemlist helps me organize my prospects, understand what’s working and what isn’t, and allows me to organize my outreach in a deeper, more personalized, and more effective way. Being organized and consistent is key in sales - and lemlist helps me achieve this

With lemlist’s multichannel campaigns based on each lead’s action, Khushi managed to engage with her prospects at scale, in a human way, on their preferred channel when they are most active.

And grow from workflows like this 👇 1073714187 (1).png

… to hyper-personalized campaigns like this👇 1073714182 (1).png

For example, in this campaign, Khushi got a 96% open rate and over 28% reply rate!

lemlist helped us book 100% more meetings, which brought 70% growth in sales and increased our productivity by 3x!

Secret is a marketplace designed specifically for startups, offering access to a wide range of software deals to help businesses grow.
Paris, France
5 employees

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