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Struggling to find your lead’s email address?

lemlist’s free Email permutator will give you a list of their potential email addresses in seconds.

By then running these emails through an email verifier, you’ll be able to find the correct email address.

The best part? The Email permutator allows you to find some email addresses not available in any leads database.

Generate email combinations

Our Email permutator is like an email combination generator. It only needs a name and a domain. Try it below. ⬇️

Email permutator

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Why use an email permutator? 🤷

🚄 It’s quick: Fill on your lead's name and domain, and in seconds, you'll have a list of their potential emails.

😖 Reduces the frustration of manual guessing: Coming up with a list of your lead's potential emails manually could take hours.

🕵️ You may find emails others won’t: Most professionals use lead databases to get their leads’ contact info. Using an email permutator helps you discover email addresses that are hard to find. These prospects may not receive many cold emails and thus could be more likely to respond.

🆓 No investment required: Our Email permutator is free.

How to use lemlist’s email permutator

We made using the Email permutator super easy.

Just enter a first name, last name, and a company domain.

Then, click the Permutate button, and lemlist will give you a list of the most common email combinations.

The list of your lead’s potential email addresses will appear on the right.
Finally, click “Copy to clipboard” to copy the list of email addresses.

Now, you have a list of potential email addresses.

But how can you tell which is the right one?
How to find the valid email address? 🔎
Important: Don't email the whole list of potential email addresses. By doing so, you’ll damage your sender reputation or even get your account blacklisted.

Fortunately, there are better ways to find your lead’s valid email:
1. Let Gmail tell you which email is valid
An easy but not always accurate way to find the valid email is by pasting the list of potential email addresses into a Gmail message.

In your Gmail account, click on Compose and paste the list into the To field.

Now, look for the email with the profile picture. That’s the valid email!
Of course, your lead needs to use the Gmail interface for their profile picture to appear. If they don’t, then this method won’t work.
2. Use lemlist’s Email checker
With our free Email checker, you can verify up to 10 emails per day.

And while 10 emails may not be enough to check all of your lead’s email combinations, the Email checker does return a status for each one of them.
You can only check one email at a time with the email checker.
3. Use a bulk verifier
The easiest and most scalable way of checking a list of potential emails is by using a bulk verifier.

Typically, you just upload a list of emails to the bulk verifier, and then it checks all emails on the list.

With a bulk verifier, you can upload lists with email combinations for multiple leads to find their correct emails.

lemlist’s Email finder & verifier allows you to upload a list of leads and verify their emails.
Don't Have All Your Prospect's Details?
If you don’t know your prospect’s last name or you’re not sure about their company domain, you can still find their email address.

All you need is their LinkedIn profile URL and lemlist’s free email finder.

You can upload a CSV file and find up to 100 valid emails.
Find leads directly in lemlist 🙌
Finding leads’ emails through a permutator can have some advantages, like being able to find hard-to-find emails.

However, sometimes, you just want to add leads to your campaign fast.

lemlist’s People database is perfect for that.

Filter the database by name, location, industry, job title, years of experience, company, and more to target your business buyer persona.

Test the B2B database through lemlist’s 14-day free trial to connect with the right people and scale your outreach efforts.
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¿Para qué se usa lemlist?

lemlist es la única herramienta de outreach en frío que te ayuda a llegar a las bandejas de entrada y recibir respuestas.

Con lemlist, puedes:

→ Encontrar leads listos para comprar y sus datos de contacto en una base de datos de 450 millones de leads directamente en la plataforma.

→ Encontrar las direcciones de correo electrónico válidas de tus leads directamente en lemlist, sin necesidad de herramientas de terceros.

→ Escribir emails en frío y mensajes de LinkedIn con inteligencia artificial y personalizarlos a gran escala incorporando rompehielos personalizados, imágenes, mono-páginas dinámicas, sintaxis líquida y más.

→ Crear campañas multicanal con condiciones avanzadas para captar leads en su canal preferido en el momento óptimo, lo que llevará a mayores conversiones.

→ Evitar el riesgo de acabar en las carpetas de spam utilizando el calentamiento y mejora de la capacidad de entrega más avanzado disponible en el mercado (de forma gratuita).

Más de 37,000 usuarios de más de 100 países.

De media, se envían 57.284 campañas de lemlist mensualmente a través de lemlist, lo que genera $118.641.000 en ingresos para los equipos de ventas, las agencias y los fundadores.

¿Cómo puedo usar el generador de emails en frío de IA?

A continuación te explicamos cómo usarlo:Email finder and verifier, if an email comes back as deliverable, it’s likely the correct one.

¿Qué significa que funciona con inteligencia artificial?

Esto significa que la inteligencia artificial detrás del generador de email se ha entrenado con datos y patrones de 437 millones de campañas de correo electrónico. Este extenso conjunto de datos permite a la IA comprender qué tipos de líneas de asunto, estructuras de email y contenido son más eficaces.

Encuentra leads con emails verificados, redacta y personaliza y consigue clientes con
& get customers with lmlist_