
How to automatically categorize your cold email replies

Heeeey lemlisters,

here's G, and this is your weekly email with actionable tips on how to get replies, book meetings, and grow your business! 🙌

📍 What you’ll find in today’s email:

  • A cold email template to recruit top talents
  • How to automatically categorize email replies
  • 3 strategies for building a multi-million dollar SaaS


How to write a recruiting cold email that gets replies

If you want your candidates to open and read your cold emails, your message needs to stand out. You can get more replies and schedule interviews by personalizing your outreach email and adding value for the candidates.

But how do you catch candidates’ attention between hundreds of other recruiting emails?

Here’s a recruiting cold email template with a 38% reply rate. 👀

Check out the key elements you can use in your next campaign to boost your chances of hiring A players in your team.

#1 Show that you researched the candidate

→ Compliment candidates’ previous work with an example to show you understand their background and make the position more relevant.

#2 Stand out with a video pitch

→ Use a custom video with a thumbnail to grab candidates’ attention and build a relationship by adding a personal touch.

#3 Use conversation-starter CTA

→ Before scheduling an interview, aim for a reply. This will help you build rapport and make it easier to meet later.

P.S. We gathered 20+ best-performing recruiting, sales, and marketing cold email templates to help you grow your and your client’s business.

Check each email's structure, see why it worked, and replicate them to boost your conversion rates. For free!


How to automatically categorize email replies

Getting replies from your prospect is great, but manually reviewing each reply takes time and can lead to human error. A solution is to automate your email categorization and save hours for other tasks that increase your revenue.

AI-based models, such as GPT-3, can help you avoid all the manual effort and give you more accurate results. You can integrate it into the lemlist sales engagement app using automation platforms.

Here’s a 3-step process that will help you set up GPT-3 x lemlist integration via make platform and automate:

  • Slack alerts when a lead is interested
  • the task creation when a lead is OOO
  • unsubscription of leads upon request

Step #1: Go to the OpenAI account to get your API key

→  If you already don’t have an OpenAI account, go to openai.com to sign up

→ Once you access your account, it’s time to get your API key:

  1. Click on your name in the top-right corner
  2. Choose to View API Keys
  3. Create a new secret key

Step #2: Go to the lemlist account to get your API key

  1. If you already don’t have a lemlist account, go to lemlist.com and sign up for a free trial
  2. In the lemlist app, click on the top left corner dropdown menu and choose Settings
  3. Go to Integrations
  4. Under the API section, click on Generate button (if you already don’t have the API key)

Step 3#: Create your sales automation workflow in make

→ If you already don’t have make account, you can start your free trial at make.com

1. Download the blueprint JSON here

2. Log into make app and click on Scenarios to create a new scenario

3. Choose to Import Blueprint

4. For each module, you'll have to authenticate yourself

  • lemlist → add your API key
  • HubSpot → Use 0Auth
  • OpenAI → add your API key

5. Save your module and activate it.

You can create the same integration with Slack, Pipedrive, Salesforce, and many other apps. Here are all the options that can help you boost outreach efficiency.

If you want to save hours of sales work with GPT-3 x lemlist integration, you can also do it with the n8n automation platform. Check out how in this article. 👇

P.S. Still not using lemlist? Now it’s your chance to start a free trial and save hours of manual work on sales workflows!


How to build a multi-million dollar SaaS in 18 months

Are you just starting your SaaS business, or do you want to take it to the next level?

Join us on Tue, Jan 31, @ 6 pm for an exclusive event where you'll learn the secrets to building a multi-million dollar empire!

You will discover the top 3 strategies that Tibo, co-founder of Taplio & Tweet Hunter, used to take his SaaS business from $0 to millions in 18 months. 🤯

During this live event, Tibo will share:

✔ Early-stage strategies for finding product-market fit

✔ Strategy for working with influencers

✔ How to use the personal brand to grow faster

➕ there will be a Q&A so you can ask any questions to boost your business growth!


Take care,

G and the team

Guillaume Moubeche
Co-Founder & CEO @lempire | Sharing outreach tips for growing business & leveraging sales AI
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